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Identifying, Controlling & Relieving the Symptoms of Diabetes

With nearly 8 million cases of adult diabetes undiagnosed in the U.S., it’s become clear that identifying cases of diabetes is problematic. Combined with the sharp increase in the number of people diagnosed with diabetes – 40 percent over the last ten years, according to the Center for Disease Control – it’s no wonder that the disease has been coined one of the biggest public health challenges of the 21st century.

Unfortunately, once diagnosed with the disease, there is no way to cure diabetes. However, diabetes can be controlled and the symptoms relieved using a combination of diet, exercise and a variety of products – like socks, vitamins and creams – made to meet the special needs of people with diabetes.

If you’re looking for information on how to control diabetes, diabetes symptoms, or what causes diabetes, you’ll find this diabetes information, and other helpful facts, useful.

Diabetes Symptoms & Basic Diabetes Information

According to Science Daily, almost one-third of adults with diabetes don't know they have the disease. Other estimates are higher and place the number of undiagnosed cases of adult diabetes at 50 percent.

The primary reason the disease goes undiagnosed is because the symptoms of diabetes are often mild enough that people are unaware they are sick. Thus, they never seek medical care. Because type II diabetes is a slower-progressing form of the disease with mild symptoms, it makes up the overwhelming majority of undiagnosed cases of diabetes.

Some of the common symptoms of diabetes include:

Symptoms of Type I Diabetes

Symptoms of Type II Diabetes

  • Increased thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Extreme hunger
  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Irritability

All of the same symptoms as Type I Diabetes, as well as slow-healing sores and frequent infections.
In addition, some people with Type II Diabetes develop acanthosis nigricans - dark, velvety patches of skin, usually in the armpits, neck or other areas of the body where folds of skin exist.

What Causes Diabetes?

Common diabetes risk factors include race, age and family history. However, with cases of diabetes skyrocketing over the last decade, it has become clear that obesity, combined with the conveniences of modern life, is also a determining factor. Reduced physical activity and high fat, high energy diets – leading to significant weight gain – contribute to the development of diabetes.

Be sure to discuss the possibility that you have diabetes with your physician if:

  • There is a history of diabetes in your family
  • You are significantly overweight
  • You are of a race predisposed to developing diabetes
  • You are suffering from any of the above symptoms

  • In the meantime, you can also take the Diabetes Risk Test, sponsored by the American Diabetes Association.

    How Can I Control Diabetes?

    Of course, maintaining a healthy weight and increasing your physical activity are the two best ways to control diabetes. However, there are many other ways you can ease diabetes symptoms and reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications.

    For example, you may want to incorporate a specially formulated vitamin for diabetes into your daily diet to ensure you receive the proper nutrition. And since as many as one-third of people with diabetes also suffer from a diabetes-related skin ailment, investing in diabetes skin care products is another good choice.

    Like skin care, proper foot care is also important. Diabetes often causes narrowing and hardening of the blood vessels in feet and legs – leading to poor circulation and less sensation. Diabetes socks can help prevent and reduce problems by keeping your feet warm, dry and protected.


    American Diabetes Association –
    Mayo Clinic –
    Science Daily –

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